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SINTA 2 Index
Since 2019, JIMF has been included as Sinta 2 Journal
Volume Numbering of JIMF
In accordance with international standards for the publication of scientific journal, starting year 2019 volume numbering of the journal indicates the current year. In year 2019 the current volume number is volume 5, and so on.
Change of JIMF Printed Cover
Starting Volume 3 (2018) Special Issue, the Journal changed its printed cover.
Journal Before
Journal After
Change on the number of the Papers and the Issues
1. Starting Volume 7, No 1 (2021), the number of papers that published is changed from 10 papers to 8 papers.
2. Starting Volume 5, No 1 (2019), the number of Issues that published in a year is changed from 2 Issues to 4 Issues.
3. Starting Volume 3, No 2 (2018), the number of papers that published is changed from 5 papers to 10 papers.
JIMF New Website
Starting April 16, 2018, the journal changed its domain address from http://journalbankindonesia.org/index.php/JIMFto (http://jimf-bi.org/index.php/JIMF).
Crossref Index
Since 2018, JIMF has been indexed in Crossref.
DOAJ & OACLC Wordlcat Indexes
Since 2017, JIMF has been indexed in DOAJ and OCLC Worldcat.
International Indexes
Beginning 2016, JIMF has been indexed in several reputable indexes: Google Scholar, BASE, ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Service, ISJD, One Search Indonesia, and Moraref.
Journal Establishment
JIMF was established in July 2015 and officially launched on August 6, 2015 by The Governor of Bank Indonesia.